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Course Descriptions

Courses numbered 1000-1999 are open to freshmen; 2000-2999 to sophomores; 3000-3999 to juniors; 4000-4999 to seniors. It is recommended that students elect courses in the years for which they are listed. Freshmen will be admitted to courses above the 2000 level only with the consent of the instructor and the student’s advisor. Juniors and seniors taking freshman courses may be expected to do additional work. Any course above 4999 is a graduate course.

The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the semester hours of credit assigned to the course.
An H following the course number indicates an honors level course.

DPSY 5030
Clinical Foundations of Intervention [Course] (3)

This interactive course focuses on the training and practice of interpersonal skills which are vital to functioning as a professional psychologist or counselor. The course will be centered on a three stage helping model which assists individuals in exploring their problems, gaining insights, and taking action. In developing this helping model, three counseling theories will be explored: person-centered therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and behavior therapy. The course will largely focus on the skill development necessary to initiate helping relationships with diverse populations.

DPSY 5040
Clinical Foundations of Intervention II [Course] (3)

This course is designed to build upon the basic interpersonal and counseling skills developed in Clinical Foundations of Intervention (DPSY 503). Emphasis will be placed on the development of further enhancement of challenging and guidance skills requisite for therapeutic intervention in established counseling relationships. In addition, several psychotherapy approaches and their intervention techniques will be presented and analyzed. Theoretical applications will be considered for both adults and children. The focus will be on developing interpersonal and therapeutic interventions which will foster change and growth in individual clients.

DPSY 5160
Practicum I [Practicum] (2)

This practicum experience is designed as a transition from formal coursework to learning experiences within a clinical setting, under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist. Supervised clinical experiences include assessment, diagnosis, and intervention activities.

DPSY 5200
Assessment I:Psychological Measurement [Course] (3)

This course is designed as an introduction to testing and measurement. Primary emphasis will be placed on building a general understanding of elementary statistics and analysis of test scores in relation to the normal curve. An understanding of reliability, validity, and normative samples will be explored through an application process using a variety of standardized instruments, which are currently used. Students will gain a general understanding of both the purpose and practice of assessment through exposure to a wide variety instruments and procedures which are both traditional and non-traditional methods. It is important to note that this course only serves as an introduction to testing and assessment and that further courses/skills training are needed for students interested in specializing in assessment.

DPSY 5220
Integrative Assessment:Individual Differences [Course] (3)

This course is the second assessment course in a series of assessment courses, and addresses the measurement of cognitive process and Learning. Additional norm referenced instruments will be taught in areas of achievement and processing to provide some experience with integrative report writing and case study analysis. A philosophical and theoretical basis for measuring intelligence will be discussed with special attention given to historical issues around cultural bias and issues of diversity. Students will be exposed to and achieve competency in the administration, scoring, and interpretation practices of the most widely accepted instruments of today. Use and abuse issues will be discussed along with their level of sensitivity and validity with special populations (i.e. developmentally disabled & gifted). The most widely accepted Theoretical Model of Intelligence within the context of CHC Theory will be reviewed and discussed.

DPSY 5300
Advanced Developmental Psychology [Course] (3)

This course provides a broad understanding of individual development from a lifespan perspective. Study will focus on the major themes and issues of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development, with particular emphasis placed on foundational research and theory in these areas. Course content will reflect the contemporary view that life span development is a developmental process deeply intertwined and indistinguishable from the familial, societal, and cultural contexts. Developmental theories and research highlighted in the course will be discussed in relation to the useful application of the concepts for individuals working in the helping professions including school counselors, school psychologists, and clinicians. The course is designed to show how presented information can be translated into professional best practice applications.

DPSY 5400
Cognitive-Affective Basis of Behavior [Course] (3)

This course will focus on two primary areas: Learning theory and behavioral analysis, and the psychology of emotion. Students will spend half the course focused on the psychology of learning, as well as the practical applications of behavioral/learning theory in clinical settings. The second half of the course will focus on the psychology of emotion, including such topics as the development of emotion in children, emotional regulation, and emotional intelligence. A portion of the course will also focus on integrating emotional theories with learning/behavioral principles. Special considerations will be given in applying these theories to work with children and adolescents.

DPSY 5420
Biological Basis of Behavior/Pharmacology [Course] (3)

This course will cover neuroanatomy, neural communication, and neural systems. In addition students will learn about commonly administered psychotropic drugs, their effects on the nervous system and the changes they produce in mood, consciousness, perception and behavior. Students will gain an understanding of the relationship between nervous system function and perception, cognition, emotion and behavior. They will emerge from this course with an understanding of the neurobiology of everyday functioning including such tasks as multitasking, paying attention, learning and remembering, seeing, hearing, speaking and socializing with others.

DPSY 5600
Psychopathology:Adult [Course] (3)

This course contributes to the core knowledge necessary for the science and practice of clinical psychology. The goal of this course is to present a conceptual framework for understanding the science of psychopathology in order to inform clinical practice. Toward this end, the course will focus on central concepts important in the description, classification, and treatment of psychopathology, including relevant aspects of the historical and cultural context of these concepts. We will explore etiological issues, the application of a biopsychosocial conceptual framework to case conceptualization, and skill development in the diagnosis of psychopathology. Issues related to socioeconomic status, gender, age, culture and comorbidity will be addressed across the course.

DPSY 5650
Child & Adolescent Psychopathology [Course] (3)

This course is designed to explore the complexities of child and adolescent psychopathology, with a specific emphasis on the school setting. The content will focus on the epidemiology, symptomatology, etiology, comorbidity, and treatment of different psychopathologies experienced by children and adolescents. Common assessment strategies and classification systems, such as the DSM-IV, will be examined, along with their strengths and weaknesses. Intervention and prevention approaches for specific disorders will be discussed, including a particular focus on school-based intervention programs.

DPSY 6010
Research Methods and Statistics I [Course] (3)

This course is designed to help students gain an understanding of and appreciation for the use of research as a tool for professional evidence-based practice with and on behalf of school populations and to evaluate educational programs and practices. Students in this course are introduced to the concepts and skills underlying a systematic approach to educational research, including basic research terminology, the scientific method in education, the value of research in education, research ethics, problem formulation and conceptualization, measurement, research designs, sampling, and alternative quantitative and qualitative data gathering techniques.

DPSY 6030
Multi-Cultural Diversity and Professional Practice [Course] (3)

This course is designed to develop multicultural competency in professional mental health practice. The focus will be on increasing students’ awareness of their cultural values and biases, while also developing knowledge about how race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and social class have an impact on self and the counseling relationship. Additional emphasis will be placed on surveying culturally responsive skills that are necessary to evaluate and intervene with diverse client systems.

DPSY 6040
Evidence-Based Treatments & Intervention [Course] (3)

This course is designed to foster the integration of clinical science and practice by examining the history, nature, and process of evidence-based practice. The course will emphasize evidence-based intervention strategies and programs designed to improve the emotional, behavioral, and social functioning of children, adolescents, and adults. Service delivery at the individual, group, and systems level will be addressed. Implementation issues specific to school and clinical settings will be examined.

DPSY 6050
History & Systems of Psychology [Course] (3)

This course will provide an inclusive history of modern psychology by presenting an historical overview of the major theories, philosophies, and trends within the field. The social, cultural, philosophical, political, religious, and economic factors that contributed to the making of psychology’s history will be examined. By understanding how major theories have been constructed, students can better understand and compare different theoretical viewpoints, and gain awareness of how the theories fit with their own worldview and approach to clinical work. This course will focus not only on the history of the science of psychology but also on the profession of psychology, emphasizing the four principal applied specialties: clinical, counseling, industrial/organizational, and school psychology.

DPSY 6160
Practicum II [Practicum] (2)

This practicum experience is designed as a transition from formal coursework to learning experiences within a clinical setting, under the direct supervision licensed psychologists. Supervised clinical experiences include assessment, diagnosis, and intervention activities with clients of all ages through Westside Psychological Services, the training clinic administered by the Psychology Department at Roberts Wesleyan University.

DPSY 6210
Integrative Assessment IV:Social Emotional/Personality [Course] (3)

This course provides information and training in the assessment of mental status and emotional well being in children, adolescents and adults. The course will cover more traditional projective measures as well as more recent norm-referenced thematic tools and techniques, which assess a broad range of social functioning areas. Students will be required to use these techniques both for administration and scoring, and begin interpreting results as a continuation of refining report writing skills. A major component of the course is learning to integrate assessment results from different instruments into clear and concise written reports.

DPSY 6220
Integrative Assessment V:Neuropsychological [Course] (3)

This course provides knowledge and training in fundamental concepts of child and adolescent assessment guided by an understanding of brain-behavior correlates and child development. Students are instructed in the use of an integrated neuropsychological model with relevance for applied psychological practice. A special focus is placed on the assessment of neuropsychological factors that impact cognitive, academic and social-emotional functioning. Students will learn how to select appropriate evaluation techniques to answer referral questions, administer and score those instruments, interpret the results, integrate information across sources, and communicate their findings orally and in writing. Prerequisites: DPSY/GPSY 5220 and DPSY/GPSY 5420

DPSY 6550
Consultation for Prevention and Intervention [Course] (3)

This course is designed to teach the skills and methods of psychological and educational consultation as practiced in a wide array of human services settings including schools, mental health centers, hospitals and agencies. Students will be introduced to basic concepts in consultation with a major emphasis placed on behavioral, instructional, mental health, organizational and crisis consultation models. The usefulness of these indirect service approaches will be based on the assumption that the mental health practitioner will be able to provide prevention and intervention services to a greater number of at risk clients. Subsequently, this course will address relevant strategies for promoting change in individuals, small groups, and larger organizational systems. The primary stages of consultation will be explored along with applied in-class and school-based experiential components that will assist students in learning about the process of consultation. Prevention practices in these settings will be discussed within the context of these consultation models and professional ethics and legal issues surrounding consultation will be reviewed as well.

DPSY 6640
Group Dynamics and Group Counseling [Course] (2)

This is an introductory graduate level course in group dynamics and group counseling. The content includes an overview of group process, leader roles, member roles, and types of groups in school and clinical settings. A variety of therapeutic approaches are presented and specific group counseling techniques for working with children, adolescents and adults in a variety of settings. Issues in working in an ethical manner with diverse student/client populations are presented.

DPSY 7000
Advanced Integration of Counseling & Theology [Course] (3)

The integration of psychology and theology involves respect for the value of each discipline and the conviction that, in important ways, each discipline has something to offer the other. This course will consider some of the ways in which psychology and theology seem to have something to offer each other. The course will begin with a consideration of some of the historical and philosophical issues that impact efforts to integrate the two disciplines. The course will then consider specific areas where psychology and theology have been in dialogue. Finally, there will be time for students to present their own overviews of selected integration topics.

DPSY 7150
Counseling Supervision [Course] (3)

This course includes the study of the process of supervision and various models of supervision within schools and clinical settings. Students will gain experience with supervision by supervising students enrolled in the 1st year practicum experience. This course will receive a Pass or Fail grade.

DPSY 7160
Exceptionality & Diversity [Course] (3)

Inclusion of exceptional children and youth in unrestricted learning environments, and their academic success and social adjustment, requires school personnel to develop expertise in the recognition of special needs and a broad knowledge of appropriate school-based strategies for ensuring academic success and social development. This course is designed as a graduate-level introduction to the history, major issues, and contemporary practices defining exceptionalities, their categorization, and demographic characteristics.

DPSY 7340
Play Therapy [Course] (3)

The purpose of this didactic-experiential course is to provide students with exposure to and an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in using play therapy with individuals, families and groups in diverse settings. Students will become firmly grounded in child-directed play therapy and then become familiar with various theoretical practice models of play therapy, the rationale behind the use of play therapy, and the techniques used for effective play therapy in schools and mental health settings. This course will expose the student to basic knowledge about play therapy as a component of professional practice in schools, and school-related programs in a variety of settings.

DPSY 7950
Independent Study [Independent Study] (1 - 3)

Independent Study is an individualized course of reading and/or research designed to allow in-depth study of material not normally covered in the regular curriculum. Consent of the instructor and the graduate's academic adviser is required.

DPSY 8010
Research Methods and Statistics II [Course] (3)

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles of qualitative research including important elements which are central to program evaluation and single case design projects as well as statistical analysis in the context of preparing students for an applied project as part of their school psychology internship. Students will be exposed to hypothesis development, the critical evaluation of relevant research, and operationalizing their project ideas so that their questions can adequately be answered and a relative problem solved. They will gain a broader understanding of descriptive and inferential statistics and various design strategies.

DPSY 8020
Marriage and Family Therapy [Course] (3)

This course will survey major family therapy theoretical models with particular attention paid to the different conceptions of healthy and dysfunctional dynamics, goals in family therapy treatment, and associated therapeutic approaches and techniques. The focus will be on increasing students’ ability to conceptualizing family and couple dynamics and understanding how these dynamics are related to presenting problems in client systems. Additional emphasis will be placed on the development of practical skills and techniques necessary to evaluate and intervene with family systems.

DPSY 8040
Advanced Clinical Skills Seminar [Course] (3)

This seminar will help students integrate and refine various clinical skills required for professional psychological practice, including clinical interviewing, assessment, case conceptualization, treatment planning, and treatment intervention. A case conference format will be primarily used to ensure students engage in self-reflective practice as well as to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills applied to clinical situations.

DPSY 8100
Professional Ethics & Standards of Practice [Course] (3)

This course provides guidelines for ethical conduct in the science and practice of psychology. It will offer an in-depth look at the necessary knowledge, awareness, and skills that are important to practice safely and responsibly in the field of psychology. Students will learn how to apply ethical standards in a positive and competent manner, and be appropriately sensitive when working with individuals from diverse backgrounds. The course will also assist students in exploring their personal values and how they relate to the American Psychological Association ethics code. A significant component of the course will also be utilized to discuss specific ethical dilemmas, and the appropriate decision making process to use when faced with such dilemmas. The course will also assist students in preparing for future licensure by ensuring that they are familiar with the NY State regulations and process for obtaining licensure.

DPSY 8300
Advanced Social Psychology [Course] (3)

Social Psychology is the study of how people influence each other. Topics of interest to social psychologists span a number of areas, including: social perception and cognition, interpersonal relationships, the self in social context, social influence, attitude change, prejudice, prosocial behavior, and the social environment. Students will read and discuss seminal publications in each of these areas. Finally, there will be time for students to present their own overviews of selected social psychology topics.

DPSY 8500
School Psychology Internship I [Practicum] (2)

The internship represents the culminating experience in the Specialist and Doctoral program in School Psychology at Roberts Wesleyan College. Its purpose is to provide intensive, supervised experience in the roles and functions of the school psychologist, as well as to provide a broad exposure to the educational and community environment of the internship site. The internship may occur on a full-time basis over a period of one academic year or on a half-time basis over a period of two consecutive academic years for students in the Masters Program and part time (600 hours) for students in the Doctoral program. The intern will learn to apply skills, knowledge and attitudes learned in classes, field and practicum experiences in daily professional practice. The internship will provide the necessary opportunities for students to integrate their knowledge and applied skills in working with children, families, and school personnel under the supervision of a professional school psychologist.

DPSY 8510
School Psychology Internship II [Practicum] (2)

This course is designed to support and provide campus supervision for Psy.D. candidates that are completing semester I and semester II of their doctoral internship in School Psychology. This seminar supervision course will be supported by individual faculty members which are assigned supervision roles for student capstone projects. As part of this course, candidates will be asked to complete an Applied Project Information Form once the student, faculty, and field placement supervisor agree on the topic and scope.

DPSY 8600
Dissertation I [Course] (2)

The Dissertation is a culminating experience in the Clinical/School Psychology PsyD Program, in which students address an applied problem relevant for the professional practice of Clinical/School Psychology. The dissertation will be conducted under the supervision of Department faculty and will address an issue or problem from these respective areas. The dissertation provides a unique opportunity for students to integrate research and clinical practice, and to develop the research and clinical competencies established earlier in the program. It also provides an opportunity to connect student's professional development with service to the larger clinical/school community.

DPSY 8610
Dissertation II [Course] (3)

The Dissertation is a culminating experience in the Clinical/School Psychology PsyD Program, in which students address an applied problem relevant for the professional practice of Clinical/School Psychology. The dissertation will be conducted under the supervision of Department faculty and will address an issue or problem from these respective areas. The dissertation provides a unique opportunity for students to integrate research and clinical practice, and to develop the research and clinical competencies established earlier in the program. It also provides an opportunity to connect student's professional development with service to the larger clinical/school community.

DPSY 8700
Internship I [Practicum] (3)

The internship represents the culminating experience for the Psy.D. program in Clinical/School at Roberts Wesleyan College. Its purpose is to provide intensive, supervised experience in the roles and functions of the practicing psychologist, as well as to provide a broad exposure to the educational and community environment of the internship site. The 1750 hour internship may occur on a full-time basis over a period of one academic year or on a half-time basis over a period of two consecutive academic years. The intern will learn to apply skills, knowledge and attitudes learned in classes, field and practicum experiences in daily professional practice. The internship will provide the necessary opportunities for students to integrate their knowledge and applied skills in working with children, families, adult/adolescent populations, and/or school personnel under the supervision of a professional Licensed or school psychologist. The “ideal” internship provides a balance between breadth and depth of experience. This growth experience requires regular and consistent contact with supervisors, which in turn allows for the natural evolution of the intern from student to professional. In order to meet program requirements, Psy.D. students are required to complete a minimum of 2000 hours of internship experience. An internship should occur throughout an entire year, as it is important that interns experience the ebb and flow of the various professional activities that naturally occur within a year in the setting. A written contractual agreement (see appendix in field manual) between the intern and the school district or agency site should specify the period of internship and the terms of the compensation. Interns are responsible for providing the university supervisor with a copy of this agreement. Internship sites must be approved by the Roberts Wesleyan College, School or Clinical Psychology Program Director and are expected to provide exposure to multiple age levels and program experiences.

DPSY 8710
Internship II [Practicum] (3)

The internship represents the culminating experience for the Psy.D. program in Clinical/School at Roberts Wesleyan College. Its purpose is to provide intensive, supervised experience in the roles and functions of the practicing psychologist, as well as to provide a broad exposure to the educational and community environment of the internship site. The internship may occur on a full-time basis over a period of one academic year or on a half-time basis over a period of two consecutive academic years. The intern will learn to apply skills, knowledge and attitudes learned in classes, field and practicum experiences in daily professional practice. The internship will provide the necessary opportunities for students to integrate their knowledge and applied skills in working with children, families, adult/adolescent populations, and/or school personnel under the supervision of a professional Licensed or school psychologist. The “ideal” internship provides a balance between breadth and depth of experience. This growth experience requires regular and consistent contact with supervisors, which in turn allows for the natural evolution of the intern from student to professional. In order to meet program requirements, Psy.D. students are required to complete a minimum of 2000 hours of internship experience. An internship should occur throughout an entire year, as it is important that interns experience the ebb and flow of the various professional activities that naturally occur within a year in the setting. A written contractual agreement (see appendix in field manual) between the intern and the school district or agency site should specify the period of internship and the terms of the compensation. Interns are responsible for providing the university supervisor with a copy of this agreement. Internship sites must be approved by the Roberts Wesleyan College, School or Clinical Psychology Program Director and are expected to provide exposure to multiple age levels and program experiences.

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